State Testing is just around the corner! Remember to have students get a good night's sleep and eat a well rounded breakfast before their assessment. Remind them that they are ROCKSTARS, and that they are going to do amazing on their tests!

Congratulations to the Lingleville FFA Wildlife Team. This team was 2nd High Team Overall on March 7 at the Arlington FFA Wildlife CDE Invitational. Brody Hurt was 2nd high individual, Marti Luttrell was 5th high individual. Garrett Hurt and Tayton Jones were both Top 20 individuals.
This group had their first ever competition in Anson on February 24. Brody competed in Jacksboro on March 6 and placed 19th out of 155 individuals. Good Job to all and keep up the good work!

We received a Severe Wind Warning from Stephenville Police Department, as well as information from Emergency Management of Erath and other related personnel. We are taking precautions to keep children safe here at school as that is our number 1 concern. Afternoon bus routes will run extremely slow, so expect them to take twice as long with delays up to an hour or more. As parents, we recognize and encourage you to do what you feel is best. If you would like to pick up your child(ren) at normal release please notify the office as soon as possible. If you prefer to pick up your child(ren) earlier, come to the front office. The time missed will NOT count against them. Please be advised this may affect visibility and hurt ability to drive; wind gusts are up to 60 mph. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Office Number: 254-968-2596

Due to some mechanical issues in one of the buses, Ms. Cloe's bus route is now running about 20 minutes behind regular schedule this morning. Students will be allowed to eat breakfast as normal before going to class.
Thank you and we apologize for the inconvenience.

If there are any Lingleville families looking for some good summer opportunities for their children, please see the flyers. Reach out to Mr. Burch if there are any questions.

Talent show update! Due to a number of other events going on , we are moving the Talent show to MAY 1st , 2025.
We still have talent show spots to fill, sign up to show off your talent!
Come support our FFA chapter!

High school students:
Prom guest permission forms are now available in the office. If you wish to bring someone other than a Lingleville student, this form must be completed and turned in to the office no later than March 24.

Sign-Ups for Jr High and Varsity Cheerleading begin on Monday, February 24th through Friday, February 28th. If you are interested in trying out to be a Lingleville Cheerleader please sign-up next week in the front office.
Tryouts will be the week before spring break :)

Reminder: Spring pictures will be taken on Monday, February 24th; if you would like your student to take a picture, please remember to bring your form to school on Monday (if you haven't already) or message your student's teacher to let them know.

The regular board meeting for March has been moved by board approval to March 6, 2025 at the normal start time of 7:00 pm.

FFA Talent Show March 6th 6PM. Sign up to participate at the link below.

Tomorrow we plan to have classes and follow our normal schedule. We are having difficulties with the busses due to the extreme temperatures. Ms. Chole's bus will run on it's normal daily schedule. The other bus route will leave at 7:10, which will have it running approximately one hour behind normal schedule. For those students on the later bus, they will still be offered breakfast in the cafeteria, and then taken to class and not counted tardy. Teachers are prepared to make this a smooth transition for them. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we do our best to deal with the unusual circumstances caused by the cold front.

Come out and join us on Friday, February 28th at 2:30 pm for our Elementary and Intermediate 4th Six Weeks Awards!

Congratulations to Madison Howle. This senior FFA member had a fourth place medium wool wether at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. She earned a coveted premium sale spot. Way to go!

Boys Bi-District playoff matchup! Lingleville (Home) Vs May (Away) 6:00pm @ Deleon HS Wear your maroon and come cheer these boys on as they battle through the playoffs!

Our floral class and FFA chapter will be selling floral arrangements for Valentines. Please reach out to me or one of our Floral students if you'd like to get one on Thursday Feb. 13th for your valentine.
Prices may vary depending on arrangement.

We are hiring!

LISD will be closed Friday, February 14 (bad weather day) and Monday, February 17 (student/staff holiday)

Playoff shirt orders are officially open on VB Graphix website! Get yours in time for the first game!

Additional High School games and playoff information!
Friday 2/7- HS boys at Huckabay JV@4, V@5:15, HS girls playoff preview @home vs Jonesboro 7:30.
Monday 2/10- Varsity boys playoff preview vs Ballinger 5pm, Varsity Girls bi-district vs May 6:15pm, both games will be played at home!
Come out and support your Cardinals as we gear up for playoffs!